Our Story

Oral Image has developed a dynamic solution that brings access to prosthesis treatment to millions of new patients through our unique digital service platform in partnership with dental professionals.

Backed by the extensive experience and knowledge of six dental clinical and laboratory professionals, Oral Image is leveraging technology to help dentists expand their capabilities in cosmetic dentistry.

And with the application of Oral Image’s technology-driven solution, dentists can offer best-in-class treatment to create beautiful smiles at a fraction of the historical cost.


  • A dentist reviews the condition of your teeth and gums
  • A trained dental technician takes digital pictures all around your mouth (2-3minutes)
  • Your pictures go into cyberspace to experts who design a plan to straighten your teeth
  • Your plan will be sent digitally to your dentist for approval
  • Super high-tech printers make clear aligners (QuickAligners) that you will wear
  • Your dentist will get all the QuickAligners you will need to start your treatment
  • Your dentist will show how to use QuickAligners and will be there if you have questions
  • Usually, once you have used all the QuickAligners, your treatment plan is done
  • Most treatment plans take about 6 months to complete
  • While using QuickAligners, you can eat what you want and remove them for cleaning
  • QuickAligners are clear, so they are almost invisible

Best of all, QuickAligners are affordable—and your treatment plan will be with the support and supervision of your dentist—from beginning to end!!

Call your dentist today to see if QuickAligners are right for you!